Internet decides Ted Cruz is everyone's doppelganger

Folks on social media and image-sharing sites are comparing the GOP candidate to singers from '80s metal bands, species of fish and many other things that apparently look Cruz-esque.

Danny Gallagher
CNET freelancer Danny Gallagher has contributed to Cracked.com, Mental Floss, Maxim, Break.com, Mandatory, Jackbox Games, Geeks Who Drink and many, many other publications in his never-ending quest to bring the world's productivity to a screeching halt. He lives and works in Dallas. Email Danny.
Danny Gallagher
3 min read

When it comes to the Republican side of the US presidential race, many eyes are on Ted Cruz now that he appears to be the party's only hope of stopping Donald Trump. Apparently, some of those eyes are starting to see double.

The latest in a series of online Cruz-parisons comes from an Imgur user who believes the Texas senator bears a striking resemblance to Skeletor from "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," at least when it comes to body language when sitting in orange chairs.

Cruz's uncanny ability to look like other people has even crept into other arenas. College basketball fans and media figures have noted online that Cruz resembles Duke Blue Devils' shooting guard Grayson Allen. A local reporter from TV station WNCN in North Carolina asked Allen about the comparison on Saturday, and Allen told him, "I don't see it and I asked my parents and they don't see it either." Judge for yourself.

Twitter user @Adam_Trimper said Cruz looks like Grandpa from the TV show "The Munsters." If I were the head of Cruz's campaign, I would somehow work this into a campaign ad. Vampires are still a hot commodity and this is the closest he's going to get to an endorsement from Robert Pattinson.

Another Imgur used posted a cross-section comparison of Cruz and Robin Williams dressed as Mrs. Doubtfire (that has a weird "Inception" ring to it). If Cruz and Mrs. Doubtfire really are the same person, does that mean Cruz really is just the alter-ego of a British woman in Hollywood-grade makeup posing as a right-wing senator as part of some bizarre scheme to spend more time with her children?

Taking a page from the popular dog-or-food meme, Buzzfeed news editor Rachel Zarrell challenged her followers to see if they could tell the difference between Cruz and a blobfish, a deep-sea creature found off the coast of Australia that also looks like how the comic strip character Ziggy would look if he was a real person.

Michael Boulerice posted to Facebook that a much younger Cruz might have been the lead singer of Stryper, a Christian heavy-metal band that started in the '80s. The band released a statement on Monday announcing the start of its new tour and said the presidential candidate would not be on its tour bus. Lead singer Ted Cru...sorry, Michael Sweet said in the statement, "I don't really see the resemblance."

I'm not saying Ted Cruz might be the lead singer of Stryper. I'm saying he's DEFINITELY the lead singer of Stryper.

Posted by Michael Boulerice on Friday, March 11, 2016

The whole who-does-Ted-look-like trend took off in the fall of 2015 when social-media users started writing and reposting speculation that Cruz might be the serial killer known as the Zodiac Killer based on his similarity to a sketch of the suspect. Someone first floated this assumption in 2013 on the Twitter account @redpillamerica. The user first quipped about Cruz's connection to the Zodiac Killer based a speech titled "This is the Zodiac Speaking" that Cruz gave at the Conservative Political Action Conference's annual convention.

Now to be fair, Cruz isn't the first presidential candidate in this election to get this kind of social media treatment. GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has been compared to Frog the Jam from the card game "Yu-Gi-Oh!", a freshly picked potato and a tub of vegan butter in 2015 thanks to a woman in Missouri who sent a picture of the screaming dairy product to the local news where the national press picked up the story.

The candidates on the other side of the aisle have been lined up with images of their long, lost twins as well. Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton's picture has been placed side by side with YouTube's Dramatic Chipmunk and a picture of actor Bill Pullman taken in 2012. Clinton's main opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, has been compared with Doc Brown from "Back to the Future" and the Muppet Waldorf.