Exec-PC bulletin board pulls porn

Milwaukee-based computer bulletin board service Exec-PC has cut loose its erotic offerings. The company president said he fears a government crackdown would put them out of business.

Milwaukee-based computer bulletin board service Exec-PC has eliminated approximately 50,000 of its files containing adult material, including nude photos and X-rated graphics.

Company officials said the move was prompted by the fear of a government crackdown on Internet porn. "We've always been looking over our shoulder because the laws on Internet porn are so vague," said Exec-PC president, Greg Ryan.

A major concern, according to Ryan, was that the X-rated content could result in a seizure of company property, including equipment that has nothing to do with the bulletin boards. "We'd be out of business," said Ryan, "and our name would be mud."

Ryan said some customers have already complained, but the company is standing fast. "It was just a business decision," he said, "to eliminate the controversy associated with X-rated material."