Webware 100 winner: Zillow

Zillow makes searching for real estate simple.

Webware staff

      Zillow is an online house-buying service. Instead of having to go visit houses in person you can do so online, browsing by neighborhood and narrowing down what you're looking for based on a variety of parameters. It'll do some of the legwork for you by figuring out how your house stacks up against other houses in the area, including how much it is per square foot and how much other houses sold for that were in your area.

      One of the neatest features, however, is the option to ask a question to the sellers or the real estate agents. You can do so without even having to register. In turn, the service has effectively created a very large directory of real estate agents whose entire properties can be browsed, including houses they've sold in the past.

      Winner: Zillow (Zillow.com)
      Category: Commerce