Navy SEALs leak classified info to EA for combat game -- report

While working as paid consultants for the video-game maker's new shooting game Medal of Honor: Warfighter, seven soldiers disclose military secrets and are now being punished, according to a report.

Dara Kerr Former senior reporter
Dara Kerr was a senior reporter for CNET covering the on-demand economy and tech culture. She grew up in Colorado, went to school in New York City and can never remember how to pronounce gif.
Dara Kerr
2 min read
The SEALs were consulting for EA's Medal of Honor: Warfighters. Electronic Arts

A handful of U.S. Navy SEALS have been reprimanded for leaking military secrets to video-game maker Electronic Arts while working as paid consultants on the game Medal of Honor: Warfighters, according to a report.

Seven of the SEALs have been disciplined, including one who was involved in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and four others are being investigated, according to CBS News.

Medal of Honor: Warfighters is a military combat shooting game that prides itself on being as realistic as possible. Players are involved in real-world scenarios, such as battles in Afghanistan and attacks on Somali pirates.

On its Web site, EA says the game creates "a visual representation of human action in combat that takes authenticity to a new level." To develop this level of authenticity in making the game, EA enlisted the help of military men to give advice on its accuracy.

Typically, soldiers have to get government authorization to work on projects involving military tactics and strategies; however, according to the Los Angeles Times, the SEALs consulting for Medal of Honor: Warfighters didn't get approval.

When CNET contacted EA for comment, PR director Peter Nguyen said, "We do not know if the veterans who consulted on the game were in contact with the Department of Defense."

It's unclear exactly what sensitive information the SEALs revealed to EA. However, according to CBS News, classified material from the Navy was indeed used in the game's development.

The game was released October 23. According to CBS News, the seven SEALs who consulted for EA have been punished by losing their ability for military promotion and by forfeiting half their pay for two months.