Google, Facebook to trial IPv6 access on key domains

Some of the Web's biggest domains will enable IPv6 on their sites for 24 hours this spring to help prepare for the transition to the new Internet protocol.

Ben Woods Special to CNET News

Some of the Internet's most popular domains, such as Facebook and Google, will enable IPv6 on their key services for 24 hours in the late spring, in preparation for the transition to the new Internet protocol, the Internet Society has said.

Facebook, Google, and Yahoo will join with content delivery networks Akamai and Limelight on June 8 to test the services' performance on the companies' main Web sites, the nonprofit organization said yesterday.

Google has offered an IPv6-only version of its site since 2008, but this will be the first time that the company has enabled it for all visitors to its main Google.com and YouTube.com domains.

Read more of "Google, Facebook to trial IPv6 access on key domains" at ZDNet UK.