Control BitTorrent downloads from Facebook with Morrent

Track and start new BitTorrent downloads from Facebook with Morrent.

Josh Lowensohn Former Senior Writer
Josh Lowensohn joined CNET in 2006 and now covers Apple. Before that, Josh wrote about everything from new Web start-ups, to remote-controlled robots that watch your house. Prior to joining CNET, Josh covered breaking video game news, as well as reviewing game software. His current console favorite is the Xbox 360.
Josh Lowensohn

So much for Scrabulous being an end-all diversion on Facebook. Try Morrent instead, a simple tie-in to the popular BitTorrent software uTorrent that runs right in Facebook (read: sans software) and lets you monitor your torrent downloads and uploads from wherever.

Aimed mainly at folks who want to check up on their downloads at work or away from their primary machines, Morrent is more than just a convenient status window--it doubles as a remote control. You can pause and re-prioritize downloads. You can also start downloading new torrents by uploading them back to your home machine.

While the same results could be had by accessing your home machine using a remote access service like LogMeIn, I dig the fact that Morrent makes whatever you've downloaded, or are in the progress of downloading, available for others to see (privacy nuts can turn this option off too). This can turn your Facebook network into a great way to see which files are hot without relying on a third-party torrent-tracking service.

Note: As always, we do not encourage illegal downloading of files transferred via BitTorrent technology.

(Via TorrentFreak and Lifehacker)

Keep track of BitTorrent downloads in Facebook with Morrent. You can even upload new torrents from wherever you are. Morrent