Check out our upgraded forums

We've upgraded our forums and added some useful new features. Read more details on what's changed

Jason Jenkins Director of content / EMEA
Jason Jenkins is the director of content for CNET in EMEA. Based in London, he has been writing about technology since 1999 and was once thrown out of Regent's Park for testing the UK's first Segway.
Jason Jenkins
2 min read

Crave has been deep in conversation with our lab-coated techies in Singapore over the last few weeks to work out a few welcome changes to the CNET UK forums. Most of the changes are under the surface -- the code has been re-written from scratch to make creating and reading posts faster than before. But along the way, we managed to get a few extra features snuck in that we hope you're happy with.

Most importantly, and the most popular feature requested by you, is email alerts. If you create a thread, simply put a tick in the box underneath your post to be emailed whenever someone replies to your thread (see the screenshot above) -- useful if it takes a while for someone to think up an answer to your obscure questions about rebooting a PC. If you want to stop being emailed, just edit your original post and un-tick the box.

The other feature most requested, which we've included here, is the ability to jump straight to a particular page of a thread when you're browsing a list of topics. This should make jumping into the Dear blog thread much easier. Oh, and we've fixed a long-standing bug where nothing happened if you pressed the return key after typing in a page number.

There are also some improvements to the process for reporting abusive or spam posts, so we should be able to respond to any problems much faster than in the past.

Take a look at the new forums and let us know what you think in the comments on this page, or in this thread. And while you're there, why not preview the upcoming changes to Crave and let us know what you think of them too? -Jason Jenkins