Dell: From factory floor to finished gear

PC giant also wants to be your supplier of high-end home electronics. Also: Carolina on Dell's mind. Photos: Inside Dell's Austin assembly plant

CNET News staff
2 min read
PC giant also wants to be your supplier of high-end home electronics. Also: How long can the winning streak continue? CEO Kevin Rollins weighs his options.

Closing in on plans for new U.S. plant?

North Carolina legislators are to discuss a proposed package of incentives for the PC maker during a session set for Thursday.
November 3, 2004

Is Dell's winning streak in jeopardy?

newsmaker CEO Kevin Rollins' long run of good fortune faces the biggest test yet. Still, he says, "I wouldn't go run (HP)."
November 2, 2004

Taking a new stab at blade design

Dell usually competes on price, but now the company is also touting its in-house research and development.
November 1, 2004

Dell touts in-home services

Company offers to install its PCs, televisions and networks, and provide extra phone support for stopping viruses and spyware.
October 28, 2004

Inside Dell's manufacturing mecca

reporter's notebook For manufacturing fanatics, a tour of Dell's facility is sort of like visiting Stonehenge. Here's where direct fulfillment took flight.
Photos: Take the Dell tour
October 27, 2004

Dell plays price card with Novell Linux

Company becomes last of the four major server sellers to fully support Novell's SuSE Linux.
October 27, 2004

The best seat in the living room?

PC maker wants to be your supplier of high-end home electronics as well as installation services and, someday, movies.
October 27, 2004

Dell to tighten Linux ties with Novell pact

Computer maker expected to announce deal to offer Novell's SuSE Linux factory-installed on new servers, News.com has learned.
October 26, 2004

For Dell and AMD, a tantalizing question

Will they or won't they? Dell execs remain elusive on AMD plans, but analysts say circumstances could push the two together.
October 26, 2004

Notebook line finds room for 17-inch display

PC maker launches its first notebook with 17-inch display, more than two years after the first such laptop hit the market.
October 26, 2004

Dell to make house calls

The PC maker is eyeing in-home services to go with its new consumer electronics line.
October 26, 2004

previous coverage

Spyware spurs Dell to offer protective software

Twenty percent of support calls to Dell are linked to spyware, an exec tells News.com. That's up from 2 percent in 2003.
October 20, 2004

Dell to open new PC plant in United States

Company set to announce plan to build stateside factory, CEO Kevin Rollins says in wide-ranging interview with News.com.
October 19, 2004