KitchenAid food processor does the dicing

The new KitchenAid Pro Line 16-Cup Food Processor features hands-free dicing. The versatile kitchen appliance includes helpful accessories.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
2 min read
The KitchenAid Pro Line 16-Cup Food Processor slices and dices.
The KitchenAid Pro Line 16-Cup Food Processor slices and dices. KitchenAid

Busy place, the kitchen. Fast-moving knives and quick-rising heat abound. Blink and it could mean the difference between delicious and destroyed. That's OK; it is part of what makes cooking fun. The puzzle that is the meal to be comes together a piece at a time. Layers build upon each other, creating towers of flavorful food that may not literally reach for the sky, but does have the ability to send our taste buds into orbit. All it requires is a little planning. And prep work.

As far as food-prep tools go, the food processor has to be one of the handiest (aside from a good chef's knife, of course). The new KitchenAid Pro Line 16-Cup Food Processor looks to level that respect up a notch or two. Not only does the kitchen workhorse have an exterior lever to adjust slicing thicknesses, but it also has the ability for hands-free dicing.

The ability to drop an ingredient into a large feed tube and have a machine churn out finely prepped food is a constantly evolving reality. To help with the myriad tasks that cooking requires, this countertop appliance comes with a host of attachments, including a 4-cup mini bowl with S blade, a 10-cup prep bowl, a dual shredding disc, a large S blade, a dough blade, and a spatula. A storage case is provided for those times that things slow down and -- finally -- cooks get a chance to sample their handiwork.

The new KitchenAid Pro Line 16-Cup Food Processor will be available in April and will retail for $649.99.