Aperture 1.1 (#2): Problems applying update, fixes

Aperture 1.1 (#2): Problems applying update, fixes

CNET staff
2 min read

Several users have reported an issue where the Aperture 1.1 update fails to properly apply.

There are two viable fixes for this issue.

Re-apply Aperture 1.0.1 As noted in Knowledge Base article #303512, you must apply Aperture 1.0.1 (and launch it once in some instances) before applying the Aperture 1.1 update.

However, some readers have reported that they needed to re-apply the Aperture 1.0.1 update before the 1.1 update would proceed.

MacFixIt reader Johan Elzenga writes:

"Aperture 1.1 would not upgrade my version 1.01. It said there was no valid version of Aperture on the disk. I had to apply the 1.01 update again first, then it worked without a problem. This happened on two different Macs."

Repair permissions MacFixIt reader David Bogart reports that he had to repair permissions using Apple's Disk Utility (located in Applications/Utilities) before the Aperture 1.1 update would take.

David writes:

"I can testify to the value of permissions repair. Having read the nay-sayers about permissions repair, I didn't bother, after installing the Mac OS X 10.4.6 update via Software update on my PowerMac G5 DP.

"I had no problems. Until I tried to get the Aperture 1.1 update via Software Update. It would not find it.

"So I downloaded the updater from the Aperture website. It would not install on my disk. The startup disk had a big X on it. Even though I had updated Aperture to 1.0.1. What's more, Software Update offered to reinstall the Aperture 1.0.1 update. I decided to let that happen to see if it would help. No luck.

"A restart made no difference.

"So I repaired permissions. After which I started up Software Update, which immediately offered to install Aperture 1.0.1, so suspecting a pattern, I let it do it. It then immediately offered to install Aperture 1.1, which went like a charm. So as far as repairing permissions is concerned, I'm a believer."

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.

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