Utilities Updates: PlusMaker; RumorMill; Better Finder Attributes; more

Utilities Updates: PlusMaker; RumorMill; Better Finder Attributes; more

CNET staff
Alsoft's PlusMaker 1.0.3 is out. It adds Mac OS 9 compatibility to this HFS to HFS Plus converter.

RumorMill 1.2.2 is the latest version of this news (NNTP) server. It is primarily a bug fix release.

A Better Finder Attributes 1.4 is now available. The new version extends the date and time manipulation abilities of the tool.

Web Devil 4.6.1 is a "tool for downloading web pages and their associated images, textures, and links quickly and easily."

REALbasic 2.1a20 is now available. These alpha releases are for testing purposes only and are not considered the current release of REALbasic. Projects saved in alpha releases of 2.1 cannot be opened in REALbasic 2.0.2. You should not use alpha releases for mission-critical development.

Distillage 2.3 is out. It fixes the following minor bugs.