Troubleshooting Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3: Fix for stalled launch

Troubleshooting Adobe Illustrator 10.0.3: Fix for stalled launch

CNET staff

If you are having trouble with Adobe Illustrator stalling at launch (displaying the message "Gathering Information" forever), VersionTracker feedback poster ckloske has a set of steps that can help resume normal function. This technique works for a number of Mac OS X apps displaying problematic symptoms.

  1. Repaired Permissions (Disk Utility)
  2. Removed ALL Adobe software
  3. Deleted "Adobe" folder at :Library:Application Support:
  4. Installed Illustrator 10.0
  5. Ran the updater. Update successful.

UPDATE: In some cases, simply going to the directories: User/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Fonts/ and User/Library/Application Support/Adobe/TypeSpt/, then removing all of the Adobe Font Cache files (named AdobeFntXX.lst") will result in elimination of the launch hang problem.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • ckloske
  • Late-breakers@macfixit.com
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