Time incorrectly set one hour ahead (#2)

Time incorrectly set one hour ahead (#2)

CNET staff

Yesterday we reported a problem that cropped up recently where Mac OS X 10.3.x sets the time one hour ahead of the setting listed in the Date and Time pane of System Preferences.

The problem occurs even when the clock is set correctly in the Date and Time Preferences, and occurs whether manual or network time settings are used.

It now appears that this problem is mostly relegated to Israel, as we've received several corroborating reports from that area.

Guy Carmeli writes "The one-hour-ahead problem is wide-spread here in Israel, and is being discussed in mac related forums. we suspect it has something to do with the fact that daylight savings time is determined here on a custom basis - whereas in many other countries it is pre-defined in a standard fashion. I remember this problem as well on Mac OS 8.5, but haven't encountered it since."

A temporary workaround, confirmed by several readers, is to change the local time zone to Cairo, which is in the same time zone as Israel but apparently does not succumb to the same problem.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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