Temporary email address services: a follow-up

Temporary email address services: a follow-up

CNET staff
2 min read
Following up on yesterdays' report on temporary email addresses, several MacFixIt readers came through with yet other alternatives and advice, including free services for getting these addresses:

    Sneakemail One reader suggested trying sneakemail.com: "You can create as many email addresses as you want and arrange them in folders according to categories: BBS/USENET, product Info, web registrations etc. You can create a unique address for every occasion and if you start getting spam to that address, just delete it and you will know which company/site 'betrayed' you. It is free, and it works."

    Mailexpire Richard Johnson recommended mailexpire.com, a free service for getting email addresses to avoid spam. Another reader adds: "It requires no software to be downloaded, (creating an expiring web email address is as simple as typing your current email address and an expire time into a form on the web)."

    Spam Motel Another reader recommended spammotel.com as the "best" one. However, as pointed out in its FAQ: "Currently, the SpamMotel User Interface works with Windows, and there are plans for future releases for Mac and Linux, among others."

    MailNull is yet another such service.

    Re: ExpireIt! The previously mentioned expireit.com is free for up to 5 expiring addresses. After that, you need to pay.

Re domain name account tip Wayne Barker replies to Tai's comments on the possible downside of using the "domain name account mail forwarding" tip suggested yesterday: "I have used this method for 1.5 years now, and have yet to receive significant spam as a result of it."