Security Update 2008-002: printing broken, fixes

Widespread loss of printing functionality.

CNET staff
3 min read

[Wednesday, March 19th]

General fix: re-apply Mac OS X combo updater As has been the case with many previous security updates from Apple, re-applying the most recent Mac OS X Combo Updater (10.5.2) works to resolve a number of general issues apparent after installation of Security Update 2008-002. You can find the release appropriate for your system on Apple's download page.

Printing broken -- fix Several users have reported that printing is broken after installing Security Update 2008-002 -- likely a side effect of the heavy modifications made to the CUPS printing architecture in this release. MacFixIt reader Chad writes:

"Since installing the latest security update, I can no longer print to my HP4650 network printer.  I get the following error in the print window '/usr/libexec/cups/filter/pstops failed' and the job goes to 'stopped.' There is a discussion about this on the Apple forums."

In many cases, simply reinstalling the Mac OS X 10.5.2 combo updater -- as mentioned above -- resolves this issue.

Before reinstalling the combo updater, however, you should try to restart CUPS manually: Launch the Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities) and type the following commands, pressing return after each:

  • cupsdisable
  • cupsenable

Failing that, you may need to reinstall CUPS, or revert to an earlier version of the system. Various versions are available from this Web site: http://www.cups.org/software.php,. First you should use the latest file with a .dmg extension, then move to prior iterations if necessary.

Other fixes:
  • Clear caches Use Leopard Cache Cleaner to perform a medium or deep cleaning of caches. One reader writes:
  • Repair permissions Sure enough, some users have been able to resolve post Security Update 2008-002 printing issues by repairing disk permissions with Disk Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities).

Problems starting up Some users are experiencing issues starting up after Security Update 2008-002 -- a not atypical symptom.

MacFixIt reader Albert Blitz writes:

"After installing the security update I cannot start my iBook G4 anymore, not form the OSX disk, nor from anything. It opens up and the round apple does not appear."

If you are experiencing this issue, restart into Safe mode, by holding down the Shift key from the moment you hear the startup tone to the moment the "spinning gear" appears. Expect this startup to take longer than usual. Don't be alarmed if the fans whir loudly during the "spinning gear" display. Eventually you will be presented with the Safe Boot login screen. Log in as the administrator.

You can now try simply restarting normally. Certain cache files and other potential causes of issues are eliminated by simply performing a safe boot. If you still experience issues, start in safe mode again and follow the procedures in this tutorial.

Note that the first restart after a security update may be longer than expected.

Wireless connectivity issues Some users are having problems connecting to AirPort Base stations and other wireless access points after the update.

"My partner?s Powerbook G4 1.5 GHz can no longer connect to the airport base station (g model). No problem with my C2D MacBook Pro."

Similar issue? Please let us know.

Previous coverage:


  • Apple's download page
  • Mac OS X 10.5.2 combo upda...
  • http://www.cups.org/softwa...
  • Leopard Cache Cleaner
  • this tutorial
  • let us know
  • Security Update 2008-002 r...
  • More from Late-Breakers