Safari: Conflict with Go Daddy domain forwarding

Safari: Conflict with Go Daddy domain forwarding

CNET staff

Several users have reported a problem where Web sites that are set up to use forwarding services (a virtual URL leads to the actual URL) from the company Go Daddy are inaccessible in Safari, but accessible with other Mac browsers like Firefox.

MacFixIt reader Thomas Dignan has now received a response from Go Daddy acknowledging the issue:

"Safari made an update last week (v2.0.2) that is causing problems with forwarding domain names.

"Some users have been able to get to the forwarded site by clearing the browser cache and trying again.

"We found that using the Apple Network Utilities to ping the domain name will also resolve the problem.

"Currently, there is not a fix available from our end.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • Go Daddy
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