Recent TIL files of note

Recent TIL files of note

CNET staff
Generic Chooser icon We've covered this issue here before, (a and b, which describe a work-around and suggest a link between this problem and a loss of AppleTalk access) but an new Apple TIL file acknowledges the occasional problem with the Chooser icon becoming generic in Mac OS 8.1.

G3 PowerBook and sound Another new TIL file discusses a bug that causes the sound to cut off on a PowerBook G3, if the volume is set to maximum. "This issue only happens if Mac OS 8.1 is installed (not Mac OS 8.0), and only if the Sound Monitoring Source is set to None or Built-In Mic. To avoid this, lower the system volume or change the Sound Monitoring Source (you can do this from the Control Strip). Apple plans to resolve this in the next system software release."