QuarkXpress 6.0 licensing issues part 2: Disabled older versions

QuarkXpress 6.0 licensing issues part 2: Disabled older versions

CNET staff

We previously noted problems with the validation codes supplied for QuarkXpress 6.0, resulting in issues with authorization and application launching. Quark told MacFixIt it is now providing new validation codes to users, resolving the issue upon re-installation.

However, it appears that the new Quark licenses are disabling older versions of the software residing on users' systems. One MacFixIt reader writes:

"We just got our upgrade to QuarkXpress 6. When I installed it, it would not recognize the license our server was using. So I downloaded a new license file using the Quark 6 serial number (the Quark 5 serial number was no longer recognized by Quark).

"Once the license was replaced, QuarkXpress 6.0 ran fine. But now QuarkXpress 5.0 will not run because it does not recognize the license file. I called technical support, and the representative told me when I purchased the upgrade to QuarkXpress 6, Quark discontinued my license to vesion 5.0. So now I cannot run version 5.0, and cannot back-save to version 4.0"

We are investigating this issue with Quark, and hope to have some more information shortly.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • previously noted
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