Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

CNET staff
2 min read
SCSIProbe 5.0 bugs?We have begun to get a trickle of reports of bugs in the new SCSIProbe 5.0. One report found that it failed to mount an SyQuest SQ555. In another instance, launching the program caused the Mac to freeze. In all cases, downgrading to an older version of SCSIProbe resolved the problem. Personally, I have used it for several days now, and it has worked just fine.

Outlook Express 4.5: two more issues Dave Alpert writes: "If I drag a name from my contacts list to the address line of a new email I am creating, Outlook Express 4.5 crashes." Gil Becerra had a similar problem: If he selected a name from the contacts list and dragged it to a any address line of a new message, Outlook Express unexpectedly quit. We have also gotten a few reports of OE claiming to be unable to save incoming messages; the messages are gone the next time Express is launched.

Global Village modem for new G3s Global Village will soon ship a new 56K internal modem specifically designed for the modem slot on the new blue and white G3s. Update: Global Village had a web page describing the modem, but they have now pulled the page. Apparently, someone decided to announce the product sooner than they should have.

Apple settles Apple Assurance FTC charge From a MacWEEK article: "Apple on Tuesday settled Federal Trade Commission charges of deceptive advertising, agreeing to honor a promise of free access to technical support under its 'Apple Assurance' program. Under the proposed consent agreement, Apple will provide free tech support to the original owner -- and that owner's immediate family -- of Apple products sold in the United States between September 1992 and April 1996. The company will also reimburse anyone who wrongly paid for tech support since October 1997, when the company began charging a $35 fee."

HAL 9000 ad to run during Super Bowl Apple announced it will run its HAL 9000 ad during the Super Bowl.