More Quicken 2000 issues: Transactions glitch; Window repositioning

More Quicken 2000 issues: Transactions glitch; Window repositioning

CNET staff
2 min read
Two more reported problems with Quicken 2000 (also see previous item):

Transactions glitch Rob Sirota updated from Quicken 98 to Quicken 2000. He writes: "I use Transaction groups to handle my bill pay stuff. I have about 25 entries in the list with about 8 that have dates pending. The others had blank dates when I closed Q98. After converting the data file all of the entries with no date now showed 3/31/28 as the next payment."

Window repositioning Rob Sirota again writes: "Since I have multiple monitors I like to keep several windows open at all times. However, I positioned the Accounts window and my checking account windows where I want them and whenever I reopen Quicken these two windows are smaller than I had then saved and are located in the middle of my screen. Anyone else seen this? All of the other windows save their place."

Regarding this window repositioning issue, Julian Koh offers a potential explanation: "The problem occurs when you have windows at or very near the bottom edge of where the toolbar would be at its tallest setting (with tabs, buttons, and account buttons enabled). If you have windows open whose top edge is very near or at that level on your monitor, they will be resized and centered the next time you launch Quicken 2000. Kind of annoying, since it happens even if you totally disable the toolbar completely. Hopefully this will be fixed in R2."