Mac OS X 10.4.5 (#3): Mighty Mouse issues -- won't scroll down; Special permissions can be ignored; more

Mac OS X 10.4.5 (#3): Mighty Mouse issues -- won't scroll down; Special permissions can be ignored; more

CNET staff
4 min read

Mighty Mouse issues -- won't scroll down Vertical scrolling in the down direction using Apple's Mighty Mouse appears to be broken for several users under Mac OS X 10.4.5.

One reader writes:

"Since upgrading, the Mighty Mouse's scrolling button will scroll selected content horizontally (both directions) and vertically upwards as normal, but scrolling vertically downwards no longer seems to work."

Another reader writes:

"Mighty Mouse won't scroll down after installing Mac OS X 10.4.5 on a PowerBook DL 15". Scrolling up still works though. Tried Safari, Finder, Entourage all the same. Vertical and Horizontal scrolling are enabled in System Preferences."

As noted in our Mighty Mouse special report, this issue is sometimes soluble through the use of an alternative mouse driver. Options include:

Special permissions messages can be ignored As we've noted on numerous occasions, iterative Mac OS X releases often add new special permissions settings that will be found when using Apple's Disk Utility (located in Applications/Utilities) to repair permissions.

Any string that begins with "We are using special permissions..." in the Disk Utility log can be safely ignored, e.g.:

  • We are using special permissions for the file or directory ./Applications/DVD Player.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/CCLineWindow.nib/objects.xib. New permissions are 33204

Translation widget not working for some Some readers report problems using the translation widget after updating to Mac OS X 10.4.5.

One reader writes:

"I'm on an iBook G4 and just upgraded from Mac OS X 10.4.4 to Mac OS X 10.4.5 via Software Update. After applying the update the translation widget is no longer working properly. I used it fairly regularly before the update, and immediately noticed the new behavior. Basically, when I enter in text in one field to be translated and then click on the 'translate' button nothing happens. If after clicking on the 'translate' button I exit out of Dashboard and then go back to Dashboard the translation widget will then have the translation ready.

Keychain/proxy issue not fixed A Keychain/proxy issue we previously reported does not appear to be resolved under Mac OS X 10.4.5.

MacFixIt reader Braxton Beyer writes:

"It seems that anything I try to do that uses the proxy settings in the System Preferences does not work. I cannot get to iTunes Store, Internet-enabled widgets or QuickTime trailers. These things pop up a dialog asking for my proxy password. If I enter it enough times, I can get through but the password is never remembered by keychain."

Safari problems A few readers report that Safari's preferences fail to open after applying the Mac OS X 10.4.5 update.

In some cases, this issue can be resolved by deleting the following file:

  • com.apple.Safari.plist

located in ~/Library/Preferences.

Slow network connections A handful of users are reporting slow network connectivity after installing Mac OS X 10.4.5.

One reader writes:

"After installing the Mac OS X 10.4.5 update my internet connection became very sluggish. The speed varied from fast to slow. Trying some workarounds but it looks like I may need to an archive and install again."

If you are experiencing a similar issue, please let us know.

Loss of internal speakers Some users report loss of internal speakers after installing Mac OS X 10.4.5. This was also an issue with Mac OS X 10.4.4.

MacFixIt reader Greg Hamerly writes:

"I just updated to Mac OS X 10.4.5 today on a 15" PB 1.67GHz, and now my internal speakers don't work. The system sound prefs don't even show my speakers; they only show line out or digital out (depending on if I have headphones plugged in). When I don't have headphones plugged in, the digital out glows red, which it's never done before. Analog line-out does work.

"The only thing I can think of is that I installed the update via software updater while an analog headphone jack was plugged in. After I realized the speakers weren't working, I downloaded the standalone 10.4.5 installer and used it, and it also installed without any problems, but still the OS does not seem to realize the internal speakers exist."

This issue can sometimes be resolved by opening the Audio MIDI Setup application (located in Applications/Utilities) and changing the output setting to 44 KHz (44100.0 Hz).

Security refinement Mac OS X 10.4.5 plugs a security hole where a malicious local user may trigger a system crash by invoking an undocumented system call.

The update addresses the issue by removing the system call from the kernel.

Previous coverage:


  • Mighty Mouse special repor...
  • USB Overdrive
  • SteerMouse
  • Keychain/proxy issue
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