Knowledge Base articles on OS X: Installer does not display hard disk; more

Knowledge Base articles on OS X: Installer does not display hard disk; more

CNET staff
106442: Mac OS X 10.0: Installer Does Not Display Hard Disk states: "The hard disk icon of a lone ATA hard drive set up as the slave device may not appear in the Mac OS X Installer...Apple does not ship computers in this configuration. To resolve this issue, set up your drive as a master device."

106439: TCP and UDP Ports Used By Mac OS X Services lists TCP and UDP ports used by Mac OS X network services.

106440: Mac OS X Server 10.0: Accessing Users Stored in a Remote Directory via Server Admin explains the steps needed to access users stored on a remote NetInfo Parent, LDAP server, or other directory via a Directory Services Plug-In.

106422: Mac OS X 10.0: Kernel Panic When Using Matrox RTMac Card is an update to this KB article noting frequent kernel panics when a Matrox RTMac card is installed. The article has been updated to note the release of a firmware update for the RTMac card that addresses this issue.