iTunes Music Store: Support issues

iTunes Music Store: Support issues

CNET staff
2 min read

We occasionally receive comments from readers lamenting the fact that Apple offers support for the iTunes Music Store only via email. Although many users receive timely replies and satisfactory resolutions to their iMS problems, others do not. Tom Burden recently sent us a summary of an issue that is still outstanding after some time:

"On August 2nd, I purchased a $26.00 audiobook consisting of 9 sections from the Apple Music Store. The download to my Powerbook 1.25MHz failed to complete the final section. As directed in the iTunes Support page, I next attempted to complete the download by selecting 'Check for Purchased Music' but received the reply that 'All purchased music has been completed for this account' even though it has not been.

"As instructed by the iTunes Support page, I submitted an e-mail customer service request on August 3rd and received an interim reply from Apple that I should expect a response in 24-48 hours. On August 6th, having received no reply to my first request, I submitted another e-mail request and received another interim response advising me to wait 24-48 hours. Nowhere on the Music Store customer support or help pages does Apple list a telephone customer service number. So I called the Apple Store help number only to be told that they could not help. The support rep did tell me that the Music Store support staff was 'a little behind.'

"Still waiting for a reply on August 11th (9 days and counting). My credit card has been charged for the purchase. I have a book with no ending and no apparent way to get this resolved."


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