iTunes error 5002 when purchasing music, fix

A few effective fixes.

CNET staff

[Monday, May 5th]

Several users have reported an issue in which iTunes displays error message "5002" when music purchases are attempted through the iTunes store. There are a few potential solutions to this frustrating problem:

Repair permissions Try this first. Launch Disk Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities) and run the "Repair Disk Permissions" command on your startup drive. This worked to resolve the "5002" error in-house.

Change shopping cart preferences Navigate to iTunes Preferences (go to the "iTunes" menu and select "Preferences"). Click the "Store" pane, and switch from Shopping Cart to 1-Click or vice-versa. Quit iTunes, then re-launch iTunes, and change the setting back. Re-attempt the music purchase.

Remove SC folder info See this Apple Knowledge Base article for instructions.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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