iCal Day/Week/Month buttons grayed out

Some users have reported this happening if iCal is left running for extended periods of time, but the problem seems to be relatively persistent for most.

CNET staff

We recently posted discussion of a problem users are having with the "http:="" www.macfixit.com="" article.php?story="2008080610341631"" rel="">"Today" button in iCal becoming grayed out. Likewise, some users are experiencing a similar problem where the "Today", "Next/Previous Day", "Week", and "Month" buttons are also grayed out.

Some users have reported this happening if iCal is left running for extended periods of time, but the problem seems to be relatively persistent for most. This issue likely involves some faulty calendar or plist setting, but so far there does not seem to be any apparent fix for the problem. Still, users might benefit from trying the following.

Potential Fixes

Quit and restart iCal While this is not a "fix", users have found that the problem seems to go away, albeit temporarily, if they quit and reopen iCal.

Remove iCal preference For some users this has been a temporary fix, but could be longer lasting for others. Locate the file called com.apple.iCal.plist located in the /username/Library/Preferences/ folder and delete it. Then open iCal and see if the problem is gone.

Reset iCal In addition to removing the iCal preferences, users might try fully resetting iCal to ensure no conflicts between calendars and the preferences are causing this problem. To reset iCal, individually select each calendar and export them (File menu --> Export) to a safe location. Alternately (or in addition), users can use the "Backup iCal" option to save all the calendars at once. When the calendars are safely backed up, remove them from iCal and close the application. Then remove the preferences files as described in #2 above, and start iCal again. When iCal loads, select "import" (or "Restore iCal...") from the "File" menu and add the previously backed up calendars back to iCal.


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