How-To: Enable and control missing features in iTunes 8

The iTunes 8 update came with a host of new features, including the Genius playlist generator as well as the "Grid" view for displaying album covers. However, despite the new features, users have complained about the removal or lack of inclusion of other

CNET staff
2 min read

The iTunes 8 update came with a host of new features, including the Genius playlist generator as well as the "Grid" view for displaying album covers. However, despite the new features, users have complained about the removal or lack of inclusion of other features. Most of the removed features are coded into the program, but they are not enabled. This could be because of a change in direction by Apple, an attempt to make iTunes simpler, or because some features are still not polished enough for general release. Regardless of the circumstances, popular features that are missing from iTunes can be enabled for those who wish to do so. Here are some enhancements or alterations to iTunes that have been requested. All users have to do is enter the following commands in the terminal and then relaunch iTunes. To reverse these commands, users should run them again in the Terminal but use "FALSE" instead of "TRUE" or vice versa where applicable.

Show genre when browsing tunes

defaults write com.apple.iTunes show-genre-when-browsing -bool FALSE

Play songs while importing

defaults write com.apple.iTunes play-songs-while-importing -bool TRUE

Show links to iTunes Store

defaults write com.apple.iTunes show-store-arrow-links -bool FALSE

An alternative to this is to change the arrows to by default point to the local library instead of to the iTunes store. The following command changes the arrow behavior such that options-clicking will go to the store instead.

defaults write com.apple.iTunes invertStoreLinks -bool YES

Create filenames with track number

defaults write com.apple.iTunes create-filenames-with-tracknumber -bool FALSE


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