Fixing OpenSSH potential problem in OS X 10.1

Fixing OpenSSH potential problem in OS X 10.1

CNET staff
Mark Torrance had some problems with ssh after installing Mac OS X 10.1 Build 5G64. He writes: "It complained that the installed version of my OpenSSL library was incompatible with the code in SSH that tried to use it. I discovered this was due to my having earlier installed a newer version of OpenSSH than the one that came with 10.0, following directions from stepwise.com (see previous coverage). I was able to fix the problem by downloading and running the 'ssh-cleanup.command' from the Stepwise site." This is what he did:

    Enter the following command in Terminal:
    wget http://www3.stepwise.com/Articles/Workbench/ssh-cleanup.command sudo sh ssh-cleanup.command

    Note: wget also appears to be missing from 10.1, so he had to get that first. He got the binary from here then uncompressed and installed it with these commands:

      tar xzf wget-1.7-OSXS.tar.gz
      cd wget-1.7
      sudo make install

Update: Lorin Rivers writes: "curl is what is on Mac OS X instead of wget. curl has quite a few more options, but I have been able to get curl to work after reading the curl man page and some fooling about."