Fixing FAXstf Installer problems

Fixing FAXstf Installer problems

CNET staff
Kee Hinckley explains a solution to a potential problem when installing FAXstf X [see also previous related coverage]:

"FAXstf X installs some files in /Library/Frameworks. Apparently this folder doesn't exist on a virgin Mac OS X install, so they create it if it's not there. If you have previously installed Virex (I'd tried the beta), it already exists, and furthermore it has permissions which are arguably wrong (root/staff, with only root having write permission). Using XRay or something similar you can fix these permissions. The shell commands are:

sudo chgrp admin /Library/Frameworks
sudo chmod g w /Library/Frameworks

Make those changes and the FAXstf X installer will run just fine. Or you can wait until the end of the month, when SmithMicro is planning on releasing an installer that can run with root privileges."