Cookie exploit could also affect Safari

Cookie exploit could also affect Safari

CNET staff

It appears that Safari may be vulnerable to the same exploit that can be used to steal cookies with a specific path set, and can be used to steal cookies with the secure flag set, originally reported as a flaw in Mozilla and Netscape 6.x.

A posting to the BugTraq message boards states "All the versions of Safari from ver. 1.0 (v85) through 1.1 (v100.1) are also vulnerable. Security Update 2003-11-19 is not the mitigation for this vuln.

"For temporary solution, Hetima Computer (has a) fix-patch. CookieMonsterFix

"Although this page is mainly written in Japanese, scroll down to the bottom of page and read the 'Description in English.' Use it at your own risk.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


  • steal cookies
  • posting
  • CookieMonsterFix
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