Bluetooth issues may be solved by resetting PRAM

When an Apple Support Discussions user had issues with their Bluetooth not being recognized on their Mac a solution was found by resetting PRAM. Continue reading to hear more about the issue and the solution.

CNET staff
2 min read
When an Apple Support Discussions user had issues with their Bluetooth not being recognized on their Mac a solution was found by resetting PRAM. Continue reading to hear more about the issue and the solution.

Apple Support Discussions user "canadian beef" writes:

"i have a macbook and it has bluetooth on it. but when i turned on my mouse it wouldn't connect, then i wanted to go to the bluetooth button on the top of my screen and its not there. when I searched it in spotlight it didn't show up and said "you must have a Bluetooth module".

In system prefs. there is no bluetooth icon any more. and in about this mac under bluetooth it says that there is no information found."

Possible fix
Users have discovered this issue could relate to the parameter random access memory, or PRAM. Fixing this issue may be as simple as resetting the PRAM:

    1. Write down these steps. (You will have to shut down your computer soon.)
    2. Shut down your computer.
    3. Press and hold (Command Option P R).
    4. Turn on your computer.
    5. Continue holding the keys until your Mac restarts and you hear the startup chime for the second time.
Read the Apple Support Discussions thread about Bluetooth issues related to resetting PRAM.
Read the entire Apple KB Article about PRAM, the PMU, and NVRAM.

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