Apple AirPort Base Station 2008-001 (#2): Don't expect improvements in network speed, reliability; more

The update refines utilities for interfacing with AirPort devices -- not the devices themselves.

CNET staff
2 min read

[Wednesday, March 12th]

Don't expect improvements in network speed, reliability Note that AirPort 2008-001 update only makes refinements to the software used to interface with AirtPort Base stations (AirPort Utility, AirPort Disk Utility, AirPort Base Station Agent). It does not include any firmware revisions for AirPort Base stations themselves, and hence will not provide any boost in network performance or stability -- though such improvements would be welcome in light of serious, persistent problems with Mac OS X 10.5.2 and wireless connectivity.

MacFixIt reader Mark writes:

"I don't know what this update was supposed to achieve but it has done nothing to solve my airport woes that started after upgrading to 10.5.2. I have confirmed that the update has indeed updated, Airport Utility > About Airport Utility says 5.3.1 (531.9)."

"I got the update (Tiger) through software update. I confirm that it updated the (AirPort Disk Utility) as expected. When I launched Airport Utility, I was not prompted to do any firmware upgrades to my existing Extreme or Express. [...] I ran a Speakeasy internet speed check before and after upgrade and there was no statistically different downstream or upstream speed change."

Problems updating (version does not change Meanwhile, some users have reported problems applying the update at all. One reader writes:

"This update does not update Airport Utility on an 24" iMac Intel, 2.4G machine with airport extreme and airport extreme base station (802.11n/g). The software remains 5.2.2 not 5.3.1.  As far as I can tell, the update does nothing. On another iMac, G5, 17", the update is not recognized by software update and that machine has airport utility 5.2.2 also. Both machines are running Leopard 10.5.2."

Make sure that AirPort Utility, AirPort Disk Utility, AirPort Base Station Agent remain in their default location: /Applications/Utilities.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.

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