Adobe Photoshop 7 causing problems with older versions of Mac OS X

Adobe Photoshop 7 causing problems with older versions of Mac OS X

CNET staff

Some users have decided to steer away from the latest incremental Mac OS X upgrades, stopping at version 10.2.4 or earlier because of system conflicts when using versions 10.2.5 and 10.2.6. Unfortunately, the older releases exhibit on-going problems with some applications.

For instance, Martin Ley writes "I'm running 10.2.4 on a G4, and Photoshop 7 crashes every time my machine goes to sleep."

Adobe technical support confirms this issue (noting that it only occurs in some instances), and simply suggests moving to Mac OS X 10.2.6.

In our Mac OS X 10.2.4 Special Report published in mid-March, we noted that several readers have successfully solved sleep issues that were introduced with the Mac OS X 10.2.4 update (generally inability to fall into or wake up from sleep) by resetting the NVRAM.

In order to reset your NVRAM, restart your computer holding down the keys: command, option, o, and f in order to enter Open Firmware mode; and hold these keys until the command prompt comes up. Then type:
  • reset-nvram
  • reset-all

You can reference back to our Mac OS X 10.2.4 special report for more information.

Feedback? Late-breakers@macfixit.com.


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