A better can opener

Kuhn Rikon has worked hard on improving the traditional can opener. Their Ratchet Safety LidLifter is easier to use, making opening cans a breeze.

Thursday Bram
Thursday Bram is a freelance journalist of over five years experience. She has worked in real estate and property management, learning the hard way the difference between the appliances that people like and the appliances that actually work in a home. Thursday currently lives in Maryland.
Thursday Bram
The Ratchet Safety LidLifter Kuhn Rikon

My grandmother is in need of a new can opener. She has arthritis in her hands, but doesn't want to let my grandfather open cans for her--he might find out that his favorite soup isn't actually homemade. As an alternative to the more traditional can openers she used to, we found Kuhn Rikon's Ratchet Safety LidLifter. The handle is much easier to hold it uses a revolving lever action to remove lids. It's easy on the wrist and hands, because the can opener actually does most of the twisting.

The Ratchet Safety LidLifter cuts the outside rim of the can, rather than the top, eliminating sharp edges. Because of the way the LidLifter grips cans, you never have to touch the lid at all--you can just pop it off with the can opener and release it into the trash. It pretty much eliminates the chance of dropping a lid into fruit cocktail or tuna fish and having to fish it out.

Kuhn Rikon's can opener comes in black, red, and white. Most of it is made of composite plastic, meaning it's easy to wipe clean, although it doesn't seem to be dishwasher safe. The Ratchet Safety LidLifter sells for $20.