When does Apex Legends' first season start? In March, but not quite yet

When Respawn revealed its development roadmap, it left out an important piece of information: the actual launch date for its first season.

Jason Parker Senior Editor / Reviews - Software
Jason Parker has been at CNET for nearly 15 years. He is the senior editor in charge of iOS software and has become an expert reviewer of the software that runs on each new Apple device. He now spends most of his time covering Apple iOS releases and third-party apps.
Jason Parker
Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends has only been around for a month, but after tallying 25 million players in its first week, it's clear it has quickly become one of the most popular games around. Amid all the excitement, Respawn posted a broad development roadmap for the game, revealing there would be a Battle Pass and three month "seasons" (both of which are things we've seen in Fortnite) and that the company would be adding new Legends (playable characters), new weapons and more.

Respawn said the Battle Pass and first season would be coming in March, but never gave a specific date. Here's the roadmap Respawn tweeted in February:

Respawn Entertainment

Today is March 1, so it's not surprising fans are wondering when we'll see the update. Neither of Respawn's main Twitter accounts, @PlayApex and @TitanfallBlog, have said a word about it yet.

When we get more information about the update, Battle Pass or new Legends, we'll update this post. Until then, there's always Fortnite's new season 8 update.