Light up your life with this Final Fantasy-esque save-crystal lamp

With fervour high for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, this handmade save-crystal lamp is proving a hot item for role-playing game fans.

Adam Bolton
Adam Bolton is a contributor for CNET based in Japan. He is, among things, a volunteer, a gamer, a technophile and a beard grower. He can be found haunting many of Tokyo's hotspots and cafes.
Adam Bolton
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Kudaranai Studios

With Final Fantasy XV scheduled to finally hit sometime this year after nearly 10 years of development, what better way to celebrate than with your own save crystal?

Kudaranai Studios has started selling Tabletop Save Point ornaments, which are lamps that bear a strong resemblance to the save crystals often found in Final Fantasy games. Save crystals, for those unfamiliar with Square Enix's most iconic franchise, are beacons of hope in the darkest of virtual dungeons.

Each ornament from Kudaranai Studios is handmade, meaning everything -- including the bubbles in the resin crystal, the light colour, overall shape and base arrangement -- is unique to each unit. The crystals are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, with the most popular coming in at 7.5 centimeters wide by 13 centimeters high (3 by 5 inches).

The timing of Kudaranai Studios (which translates to "good for nothing") couldn't be better. Fervour for the video game series is at a high thanks to the impending release of Final Fantasy XV, first announced as Final Fantasy Versus XII in 2006, and last year's announcement that Square Enix will at last be remaking the beloved PlayStation classic Final Fantasy VII. The lamps aren't official Square Enix merchandise.

The crystals themselves can be found only on the Village/Vanguard online store, with the aforementioned 7.5 centimeter by 13 centimeter model costing ‎¥7,800 (US$65, £45, AU$90). While the site is only in Japanese, the store itself is fairly easy to navigate. The crystals are selling like crazy and, due to being handmade, supply is liable to fall well behind demand.

If only real save points existed so you could go back and buy them earlier.