Flat Earthers to Elon Musk: Mars is round, silly

Commentary: In response to a humorous Elon Musk tweet, the Flat Earth Society stuns the world.

Chris Matyszczyk
2 min read

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

Elon Musk Presents SpaceX plans to colonise Mars.

Wait, what did they say?

Mark Brake/Getty Images

It might currently feel as if we're all about to fall off the edge of a cliff, but that doesn't mean the Earth is flat.

Still, celebrities such as rapper B.o.B and NBA star Kyrie Irving -- humorously, it transpired -- have raised the possibility that it might be.

On Tuesday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk thought he'd expand the world's thinking on the subject. 

The fact that there are still people unconvinced by basic facts must be mesmerizing to a man whose intention is to send rockets to outer space.

To Mars, indeed.

So Musk posed a simple question.

It's surely a fair and funny question. 

If we can't believe our space travelers who send back pictures of a remarkably spherical Earth, why should we believe anything from scientists who've never been anywhere near Mars?

I mean, I saw "The Martian" and Mars looked pretty flat to me. 

Just as I tortured my mind over this, in stepped the Flat Earth Society. No, these aren't some weird people who speculate willy-nilly on Twitter. These are serious people. I know this because they're Twitter-verified and they're a dot-org.

The Flat Earth Society replied assertively to Musk.

It has? By whom? 

Still, once the Flat Earth Society had responded to Musk, it fielded more questions from the fascinated.

Asked how we can be sure that the Earth and Mars aren't just flat objects that we mistakenly see as being round, the Society responded with a tinge of doubt.

And when another Twitterite wondered why, of all the planets in the world, Earth would be the only flat one, there came a reply worthy of the finest politician.

Yes, there is so much we don't know.

We don't know why people believe some of the strangest things. 

I have friends who believe that the San Francisco 49ers are an excellent team. 

I have a very good friend who insists that if you pour Tabasco on any food, it will taste better. 

I even know someone who believes Mark Zuckerberg is the greatest CEO of the 21st century.

So just because some NASA scientist might claim that Mars is an oblate spheroid, you're still free to believe what you want.

And become Twitter-verified and a dot-org.

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