AudioOutfitters EarPod

AudioOutfitters brings a welcome reprieve to anyone lost in a tangle of earphone cords. But even though the EarPod works well, we're spoiled by the autotethering wonders of the CMO America ZipKord headphones.

AudioOutfitters EarPod
If you use your iPod's earbuds along with the wired remote control, there's probably a ritual you go through every time you take your iPod out of your bag: unraveling that way-too-long cord. For you, the AudioOutfitters EarPod has arrived. Wrap your excess cord around the EarPod to shorten it, or slide open the EarPod's lid to store some of the cord inside. This accessory also has an optional belt clip, which is especially useful if you have an iPod case on which to fasten it.