Shaq believes the Earth is flat, too

Commentary: The famed former Lakers star and now TNT analyst says he drives from Florida to California and it sure seems flat to him.

Chris Matyszczyk
3 min read

Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that's taken over our lives.

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Flatly denying that the Earth is round.

Erika Goldring, Getty Images for American Express

Could it be that the only way NBA players can jump so high is because they are among the few who know that the Earth is actually flat and this gives them to confidence to leap?

I only ask because one or two of the most famous NBA names have recently expressed their Flat-Earther credentials.

The latest is former Lakers' star and now TNT analyst Shaquille O'Neal.

On a February edition of "The Big Podcast With Shaq" that's just been, um, unearthed, Shaq insisted: "It's true. The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. Yes, it is. Listen, there are three ways to manipulate the mind -- what you read, what you see and what you hear. In school, first thing they teach us is, 'Oh, Columbus discovered America,' but when he got there, it was some fair-skinned people with the long hair smoking on the peace pipes. So, what does that tell you?"

It tells me you should read more books. What does it tell Shaq?

"Columbus didn't discover America," he said. But that would ruin Columbus Day, wouldn't it? And I used to delight into going to my local restaurant and demanding to be addressed not as "Chris" but as "Mr. Columbus."

Still, Shaq has more scientific evidence of the Earth's flatness.

"So, listen, I drive from coast to coast, and this shit is flat to me," he said. "I'm just saying. I drive from Florida to California all the time, and it's flat to me. I do not go up and down at a 360-degree angle, and all that stuff about gravity, have you looked outside Atlanta lately and seen all these buildings?"

I haven't. Should I? Are they especially tall? Do they defy gravity? Or do they disprove gravity's existence? No. Apparently they prove something about China.

"You mean to tell me that China is under us?" continued Shaq. "China is under us? It's not. The world is flat."

But what about satellite imagery? "Satellite imagery could be drawn and made up," revealed Shaq.

He expressed his support for Cleveland Cavaliers star Kyrie Irving, who caused a stir during All-Star Weekend by insisting more than once that the Earth was flat. He subsequently claimed he could control his dreams too.

And then there was Golden State Warriors power forward Draymond Green who seemed to support Irving too.

"I can make a round picture with my iPhone today on the panorama camera and make it look round. So, I don't know. I'm not saying I think it's flat or round. I don't know, but it could be," he said.

You might think this is just some famous people having a good laugh at the expense of the media.

But perhaps the bigger message is for all those who think it's only the Trump administration that is mounting an assault on science.

Beware the flat-out press being executed by some of the biggest names in the NBA.