NASA celebrates baseball opening day with stadiums from space

NASA smacks one way, way out of the ballpark with ISS astronaut views of MLB digs.

Amanda Kooser
Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for CNET. When not wallowing in weird gear and iPad apps for cats, she can be found tinkering with her 1956 DeSoto.
Amanda Kooser

In 2015, NASA astronaut Terry Virts shared this photo of a baseball on the ISS on MLB opening day.


There's nothing quite like the smell of peanuts, Cracker Jacks and expensive beer at the ballpark on Major League Baseball's opening day. NASA , though, is marking the first games of the 2019 regular season from a much greater distance.

The space agency tweeted a video on Thursday showing all 30 MLB ballparks as photographed by International Space Station astronauts from orbit. It starts with the Los Angeles Angels in Anaheim and ends with the Washington Nationals. You'll find your favorite team's stadium somewhere along the way. 

The long-distance looks show quite a bit of the cities surrounding the stadiums. In some cases, you might need to pause the video to figure out where ballparks are located among the surrounding communities.

Some of the photos are likely from astronaut and baseball fan Terry Virts, who set out to snap every single MLB stadium during his time on the ISS in 2015.

We already know there are plenty of baseball fans at NASA. The Astros-Dodgers World Series in 2017 sparked quite a rivalry between two of the agency's major space centers. At least all teams are even on opening day and all the stadiums look lovely from outer space.

See one astronaut's wild pictures from space

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