Far Cry to hit consoles

PC-hit Far Cry has finally been confirmed for consoles. The game will be released in September this year, although publisher Ubisoft has not confirmed which consoles specifically the game will be released for.

CNET Australia staff

PC-hit Far Cry has finally been confirmed for consoles. The game will be released in September this year, although publisher Ubisoft has not confirmed which consoles specifically the game will be released for.

Far Cry: Instincts will not be a direct port of the PC game, but will feature many of the same locations and gameplay innovations such as the Full-Action Response A.I. (F.A.R. concept) and unprecedented view-distance of the original.

A hands-on demo of Far Cry Instincts will be present at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) May 18th - May 20th in Los Angeles, California

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