Black Mirror: Bandersnatch meets Avengers: Infinity War in mashup

What if Avengers: Infinity War had a choose-your-own-adventure slant like the new Netflix movie?

Bonnie Burton
Journalist Bonnie Burton writes about movies, TV shows, comics, science and robots. She is the author of the books Live or Die: Survival Hacks, Wizarding World: Movie Magic Amazing Artifacts, The Star Wars Craft Book, Girls Against Girls, Draw Star Wars, Planets in Peril and more! E-mail Bonnie.
Bonnie Burton
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Which Marvel superheroes would you save if you could have controlled who Thanos killed in Avengers: Infinity War?

Marvel Studios

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch on Netflix offers a myriad of possibilities with its unusual choose-your-own-adventure format

But what if the Marvel superhero death match that was Avengers: Infinity War also gave fans the option to determine the outcomes?

In this Infinity War - Bandersnatch mashup video posted to Reddit Sunday, we see what it would be like if the Avengers movie let fans choose outcomes based on decisions like "Stay calm and save the universe" or "Act like an idiot" when facing terrifying villain Thanos.

Hopefully, the unusual Black Mirror: Bandersnatch interactive format that captured viewers' attention will inspire Marvel to give comic book fans a chance to save their favorite superheroes from dying in upcoming films. 

Personally, instead of life-or-death matters, I'd prefer to see a choose-your-own adventure movie where Doctor Strange alters reality while annoying Loki. Or maybe just a Thor vs. Hulk drinking game would be entertaining enough?

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