Audi microsite hints at electric vehicle

Audi has built an odd microsite at ElectricityUntamed.com that seems to hint at an electric vehicle of some sort in Audi's future.

Antuan Goodwin Reviews Editor / Cars
Antuan Goodwin gained his automotive knowledge the old fashioned way, by turning wrenches in a driveway and picking up speeding tickets. From drivetrain tech and electrification to car audio installs and cabin tech, if it's on wheels, Antuan is knowledgeable.
Expertise Reviewing cars and car technology since 2008 focusing on electrification, driver assistance and infotainment Credentials
  • North American Car, Truck and SUV of the Year (NACTOY) Awards Juror
Antuan Goodwin

Screenshot of Audi's microsite
I'm sorry Audi, but I don't know if I want my electricity running wild. Audi AG

Remember those electric R8 rumors that Audi shot down a few months ago? Well there may be some credence to them after all. Audi has built an odd micro Website at ElectricityUntamed.com that seems to hint at an electric vehicle of some sort in Audi's future.

Right now, there's nothing on the site but cryptic animated text claiming that, well, electricity will be unleashed soon enough and a countdown clock that terminates on September 15, 2009, (guess what else will be happening on that day). There are also social networking links and humorous embeddable videos of electricity running wild, such as the one embedded below.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that rumored electric R8, but I'd even settle for an eTT-S.

Stay tuned to our continuing coverage of the 2009 Frankfurt auto show for more details as they emerge.

Editor's note: The broken links in the article have been fixed.