Selena Gomez's new music video was shot on an iPhone 11 Pro

Lose You to Love Me is the latest music video to be shot on an iPhone.

Erin Carson Former Senior Writer
Erin Carson covered internet culture, online dating and the weird ways tech and science are changing your life.
Expertise Erin has been a tech reporter for almost 10 years. Her reporting has taken her from the Johnson Space Center to San Diego Comic-Con's famous Hall H. Credentials
  • She has a master's degree in journalism from Syracuse University.
Erin Carson

Selena Gomez's new video was shot on an iPhone 11 Pro.


Pop singer Selena Gomez has a new video out, and it was shot on an iPhone 11 Pro.

The video for Lose You to Love Me, out Wednesday, shows Gomez in black and white singing about love gone awry. In a preview of the video posted to Apple's YouTube account Tuesday, Apple noted the video was shot using the new generation of iPhones.

This isn't the first time someone has used an iPhone to shoot professional video. In 2018, Canadian rock band Metric used an iPhone X to create the video for its song Dark Saturday. And Star Wars director Rian Johnson recently used the iPhone 11 Pro to make a short film called Paris 9/19.

Originally published Oct. 23, 6:38 a.m. PT
Update, 7:58 a.m. PT: Adds addition information on other projects shot with the iPhone.

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