Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 trailer teases next big battle

There are only two episodes remaining, so don't miss a thing.

Gael Cooper
CNET editor Gael Fashingbauer Cooper, a journalist and pop-culture junkie, is co-author of "Whatever Happened to Pudding Pops? The Lost Toys, Tastes and Trends of the '70s and '80s," as well as "The Totally Sweet '90s." She's been a journalist since 1989, working at Mpls.St.Paul Magazine, Twin Cities Sidewalk, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and NBC News Digital. She's Gen X in birthdate, word and deed. If Marathon candy bars ever come back, she'll be first in line.
Expertise Breaking news, entertainment, lifestyle, travel, food, shopping and deals, product reviews, money and finance, video games, pets, history, books, technology history, and generational studies Credentials
  • Co-author of two Gen X pop-culture encyclopedia for Penguin Books. Won "Headline Writer of the Year"​ award for 2017, 2014 and 2013 from the American Copy Editors Society. Won first place in headline writing from the 2013 Society for Features Journalism.
Gael Cooper

Bidding farewell to those who died in the Battle of Winterfell.

Helen Sloan/HBO

How can there be only two episodes left in the last season of Game of Thrones?

But there's no time to stop, lift a glass of Arbor Gold and reflect on the show coming to an end. HBO aired a trailer for episode 5 after episode 4 Sunday night, and things are only getting more tense.

The teaser didn't offer any spoilers, but best-villain-ever Cersei looked smug, Tyrion looked nervous, and Euron was checking those skies for a certain flying blowtorch. And hey, Jon Snow, good thing you took the Pony Express instead of riding your dragon after all.

Game of Thrones' second-to-the-last episode airs May 12 on HBO.

Game of Thrones stars, from season 1 through today

See all photos
Watch this: Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4: The good, the bad and the coffee

Originally published May 5.