Word blunder exposes U.K. split on terrorism

A British government minister is reportedly caught out over anti-terrorism measures by the "track changes" feature in Microsoft Word.

Will Sturgeon Special to CNET News.com

The U.K. government is in trouble over dodgy document management, with an apparent split within the government over new antiterrorism laws exposed by a letter from Home Secretary Charles Clarke. The letter, sent via e-mail as a Word document to the members of the opposing Conservative party, appeared to back controversial plans to hold terrorism suspects for up to three months without trial. However, anybody applying the Microsoft "track changes" function was able to see Clarke's original wording, which expressed concerns over such measures.

A paragraph that was deleted from the final version of Clarke's letter reportedly read: "The case for some extension is clear, though I believe there is room for debate as to whether we should go as far as three months. I'm still in discussion with the police on this point."

Will Sturgeon of Silicon.com reported from London. For the full story, click here.