Watch fan's beautiful video tribute to a decade of The Doctor

Thursday marks the 10-year anniversary of the revival of the BBC's long-running series "Doctor Who." Watch one fan's awesome tribute to everyone's favorite timey wimey Time Lord.

Anthony Domanico
CNET freelancer Anthony Domanico is passionate about all kinds of gadgets and apps. When not making words for the Internet, he can be found watching Star Wars or "Doctor Who" for like the zillionth time. His other car is a Tardis.
Anthony Domanico

It's now officially been 10 years since the BBC revived the long-running sci-fi series "Doctor Who," and a beautiful new fan-made video by aptly named "Doctor Who" fan John Smith recaps some of the best and worst moments of the decade of The Doctor.

Smith, as you may recall, is the guy who created the video mashup of "Sherlock" and "Doctor Who" that wowed the Internet back in 2013.

His "Doctor Who" tribute clip features scenes and sound clips from all eight seasons of the new series, giving viewers a nearly four-minute-long synopsis of some of the most important things that have happened to The Doctor and his traveling companions across the galaxies. From the time we first met the Daleks to the time Rose Tyler became trapped in a parallel universe to Amy Pond's crack in the wall that tormented The Doctor, each memory is artistically detailed with beautiful 3D shots.

Check out the video for yourself above, then be sure to read CNET Senior Editor Rich Trenholm's excellent recap of ten years of The Doctor's timey-wimey fantasticness.