Tomorrow's tech: Ideas for enterprise

How do you protect a database under attack from malicious hackers? A research group says it has found a way. Also: IBM's utility vision of computing.

CNET News staff
2 min read
How do you protect a database under attack from malicious hackers? A research group says it has found a way to "heal" a wounded database while keeping the system running. Also: IBM's utility vision of computing.

Software heals systems while they work
Researchers at Pennsylvania State University have developed software that can repair a database that has been attacked--even as it continues to process information.
October 31, 2002

IBM talks up "computing on demand"
CEO Sam Palmisano sees businesses buying computing power the way they buy electricity. Big Blue is staking $10 billion on that vision coming to pass.
October 30, 2002

Exploring the domino effect
Just as a falling apple spurred Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity, toppling dominoes have inspired researchers to build the world's smallest computer circuits.
October 23, 2002

A new era of molecular circuit chips
Computer scientist Stan Williams of HP Labs is spearheading a project to find new ways to push silicon-based memory and processor technology far beyond its current limits.
October 23, 2002

previous coverage
Intel looks to spread silicon "everywhere"
Business may be down, but the company plans to place its chips in as many products, markets and geographic regions as possible.
October 22, 2002

Nanowire or nanotube? Intel looks ahead
The company discloses a number of tech changes and research avenues that will direct future chip development. The nanotechnology era is here, and Intel is looking at all the options.
September 12, 2002 
HP uses nanotechnology for new circuit
Researchers at HP Labs announce they have created a new kind of circuit so small that more than 1,000 of them can fit on the tip of a human hair.
September 9, 2002