Text of Supreme Court ruling on Grokster

Read the majority opinion on the case and concurrences written by Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer.

CNET News staff
Read the majority opinion on the file-swapping case and concurrences written by Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer.

Majority opinion in Grokster case

Justice Souter delivers the opinion of the court that companies that encourage copyright infringement should be held liable for piracy. (PDF)
June 27, 2005

Concurrence in Grokster case

Justice Ginsburg concurs, saying the "court of appeals misperceived, and hence misapplied," the 1984 Sony Betamax ruling. (PDF)
June 27, 2005

Additional concurrence in Grokster case

Justice Breyer disagrees with part of the first concurrence, saying the "court of appeals' conclusion has adequate legal support." (PDF)
June 27, 2005