Short Take: NetObjects updates Web tool

NetObjects has announced NetObject Fusion 4.0, a new version of the company's Web authoring software. The software, expected to ship next month, adds features to speed development of Web sites, particularly for developers in business units of large corporations, the company said. The tool is priced at $299.95.

Mike Ricciuti Staff writer, CNET News
Mike Ricciuti joined CNET in 1996. He is now CNET News' Boston-based executive editor and east coast bureau chief, serving as department editor for business technology and software covered by CNET News, Reviews, and Download.com. E-mail Mike.
Mike Ricciuti
has announced NetObject Fusion 4.0, a new version of the company's Web authoring software. The software, expected to ship next month, adds features to speed development of Web sites, particularly for developers in business units of large corporations, the company said. The tool is priced at $299.95.