SAP: We love SaaS! No, we hate it! It will kill us! It's salvation!

SAP is under attack by SaaS, but it's apparently not a threat. Or might be. Or isn't. Or something. Hasso Plattner, SAP's chairman, explains it all. Or doesn't. Or wishes he could. Or something.

Matt Asay Contributing Writer
Matt Asay is a veteran technology columnist who has written for CNET, ReadWrite, and other tech media. Asay has also held a variety of executive roles with leading mobile and big data software companies.
Matt Asay

Will the real SAP please stand up? I'm not sure about you, but I'm having a hard time following the quadruple backflip with a twist that the company has been doing about SaaS/on-demand computing.

Displaying true Clinton-esque talents, SAP's chairman, Hasso Plattner, backtracked on previous comments that suggested that he was picking out a coffin for SAP. He first said this:

This model [SaaS] will compete with our current model, and 99% of our installations are on site.

Astute readers may infer from this that SaaS portends Bad Things for SAP. Or that the company's own SaaS offerings might negatively impact its core, on-premise business. Those astute readers would be wrong(!!!), said Plattner after the fact:

At no point in my speech did I mention the project code name A1S [SAP's new SaaS offering for mid-sized businesses]. Nor did I make a statement that our new software will cannibalize our existing customer base or our established products or that it will compete with our current business model.

Of course not. It's a disruptive technology that will compete with 99% of SAP's businesses, but it's only a threat to...everyone else. I see. Oh, well. Best be getting back to the cave, Mr. Plattner. Nice shadows on the wall to look at in there.